COVID Safe Plan


Brisbane Typhoon is in receipt of a COVID Safe Plan submitted by Dragon Boat Queensland (DBQ). The contents of this plan are acknowledged and have been accepted by the Brisbane Typhoon Committee. The contents of this plan will be relayed to all members of Brisbane Typhoon for information and compliance.

In addition to the DBQ Safe Plan, this plan is to be read in conjunction with the Queensland Health Directives issued by the Chief Health Officer.

Brisbane Typhoon will ensure that the following is provided at a minimum at our training base:

  • Establishment of a specific COVID Compliance Manager at each training base to ensure DBQ COVID Safe Plan is adopted.
  • Attendance register as per DBQ recommendations.
  • Communication of DBQ Safe Plan and CHO information to all members.
  • Organising multiple groups for training in accordance with DBQ recommendations.
  • Managing movement of Dragon Boat to water and ensuring social distancing.
  • Managing of car parking (Tennyson carpark on private land with no access to public).
  • Provide hand sanitiser dispensers at point of entry. COVID compliance Manager to ensure supply of hand sanitizer containing at least 60% ethanol or 70% iso-propanol
  • Provide hand sanitiser at amenities and prior to boat loading.
  • Implement measures to maximize the distancing whilst on land between members to the extent it is safe and practical and minimize the actual time at training locations. Where it is practical and safe to do so, review tasks and processes that usually require interaction and identify ways to modify these to increase social distancing between members.
  • Direct members to stay at home if they are sick, and to go home if they become unwell.
  • Consult with members and provide adequate information and education, including changes to practices and appropriate cleaning, personal hygiene and disinfection.
  • Put signs and posters up to remind members and others of the risk of COVID-19 and best practices
  • Members to take personal equipment home and refrain from leaving equipment and personal belongings at training bases.
  • Members to bring own water containers and under no circumstances to share water.
  • COVID Compliance Manager will ensure frequently touched areas and surfaces are cleaned (including shared equipment, amenities, tables, counter tops and sinks).

Covid Compliance Manager to:

  • Regularly review Brisbane Typhoon procedures to ensure they are consistent with current directions and advice provided by health authorities and DBQ.
  • Ensure compliance of COVID Safe Plan and CHO Directives.
  • Publicly display that a COVID Safe plan has been approved.

COVID Compliance Manager to ensure the following is monitored:

  • Practice physical distancing whenever possible.
  • Avoid touching your face.
  • Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
  • Stay home and do not work if you feel unwell.
  • Avoid unnecessary travel and stay away from large groups of people.

Members will be instructed to not attend training if:

  • Have had any COVID-19 symptoms in the last two weeks: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath, runny nose, headache, fatigue, sore muscles or joints, or loss of taste.
  • Have tested positive for COVID-19.
  • In the last two weeks have been in contact with anyone who has had a positive COVID-19 test.
  • Have been advised to self-isolate while awaiting a COVID-19 result
  • Have travelled overseas or interstate in the last two weeks.

Files available for download